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Multi-channel Analysis
of Surface Waves
Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is an investigation technique that uses generated energy (such as a sledgehammer blow) and measures how it travels through the ground.
MASW is an investigation technique that measures how generated energy travels through the ground.
A series of sensors, called geophones, are placed in a line to take measurements that will then provide the shear-wave (Vs) profile in either 1D (depth) or 2D (depth and surface distance)
People possibly relate ‘energy through ground’ situations mostly with earthquakes, but using MASW can be useful in providing a range of solutions:
Aid in liquefaction potential analysis
Finding the lateral and vertical variations in the subsurface
Depth to groundwater
Depth of overburden/depth to bedrock
Vs30 (Shear-wave velocity over the first 30 m depth)​
Learn About Our Previous MASW Projects
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